Friday, 16 April 2010

Vistaprint - genius site!

So, I've been playing around recently re-branding myself - as you can see new banner! I really haven't had a moment to update my Etsy shop (I've been moving house), admittedly I've been a bit lazy and put it onto vacation mode whilst I got myself sorted. I have been busy making new bits and pieces, the ones which don't sell at the craft show next weekend I will of course pop into the shop - if I get a minute I'll get photographing and put some pieces in before then.

Anyway, onto the main blog subject - Vistaprint. If you haven't discovered it yet, it's an absolutely fantastic printing website where you can get loads of great marketing for your business either really cheap or even better free, with just postage to pay - I have become addicted! I've bought loads of business cards, postcards and my favourite - a new vinal banner for my craft show table. If you need anything, please do check them out - - brilliant I assure you!

That's it for today - just a quick one. I will be back with photos of new pieces and hopefully a tale of success at the craft show. Ooh and some pics of my new craft display - my fella made it, and I'm really pleased with the result!

All the best!
